Samantha Morgan has always been an avid reader, and one day she decided to write her own stories. She started in 2016 on Wattpad with a modern revisit of Beauty and the Beast, and then she was approached by a Publishing House. One novel, then two, then many more. As a fan of fairy tales, she loves love stories that end well, with strong heroines who don't expect a man to save them. Contemporary romance, fantasy romance—she loves love in all universes, and she especially loves enemies to lovers!

As a mom, she divides her time between her work and her little boy. She writes when he is at school or when he is napping, and the rest of the time she spends with him.

As a TV show fan, she likes to reinvent an ending that doesn't suit her, develop an untapped arc, or simply get inspired by a character to create her own. Her imagination never stops!

The Forbidden temptation is the first to be published by Warm Publishing.


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